05 - 11.10.2008 - Prague

Let me tell you s.th about my classtrip in Prague!

First Day :
I had to wake up at 4:30 to get ready for the trip. At 6:40 the train has arrived and we've got to the train. We're Hamburgers are lucky, because we can go to prague directly. Then we have taken the bus and reached the hotel at about 2 clock with delay.

*Kisses from prague*

As we've reached the hotel we got some problems by sharing rooms:
There was just one double-bed room, but 3 pairs want to have it including me and my good friend Lena. So our Teacher called 'Hansi' has a question for us to answer. Fortunately I was the first who answered it. I was just happy at THAT moment. The happiness just stopped after 5 minutes. Guess what.. the other pairs that joined the challenge couldnt accept the reality that they must share their rooms with a girl called Nicola (she is new in our class). Actually i couldnt believe that they are so childish. I was so furious but we've no choice anyway! We have to share a room with dat girl though I have won the challenge!! {-__-"}

*A very long way to go*

continued in Bahasa Indonesia...
Second Day :
Jam 9:30 kita harus udh ngumpul di resepsi hotel utk mengunjungi + mengagumi kota Praha... Ada guidenya segala ngejelasin sejarahnya stiap building yg unik apa gitu ga jelas.. gue sibuk liat bangunannya lebih dekat sambil ambil foto.. Hehe!

*ME and the Guide*

Another sightseeing :

*Life in the city of Prague*

Third Day :
Hari ini kita berencana ke "Karlstein-Burg" sebuah puri dimana seorang raja cheko tinggal disitu dijadul. Dari Hotel ke sana kita butuh waktu 1 jam pake bus. Karna males jalannya kita bersepakat naik Taxi supaya tinggal jalan seberapa meter utk menyapai purinya. When I first saw it, I was surprised. It was admirable. We had a guide, who told us all about the castle and the things inside it. I couldnt understand anything coz he was unable to speak German clearly! So I was bored. Yah Boring-time itu buat gue adalah Iseng-time.. Ya udh akhirnya gue jailin temen" gue dan GURU gue si Hansi (actually his name is Johannes). He sometimes is funny and weird but when he got serious he can be very furious. I have ticked him all the time while the guide explained us. But surely i pretended to be innocent, listened to the guide though I didnt. Dia tuh lumayan gokil jadi gue tenang" aja.. karna dia pasti mengerti karna udah biasa dijailin juga sm gue. Lama kelamaan dia mungkin bosen dan tiba" dia nyundul kepala gue hahahahahahaha Gue pikir "Buseet nih guru ada apa dengan dia kalo mau main bola jangan disni paak!" Dia tuh emg soccer-addicted jd gue masi memaklumi.. Gue sih pengennya langsung sundul balik aja, tapi gue takut dapat nilai jelek dari dia krna itu ya udh deh pasrah {@_@'} gue mule ngejauhin dia supaya ga dikenai sundulannya lagi.. Gue tau sih dia cuman bcanda tapi gue cwe gtu lohh hahahaha smuanya ketawa ga jelas dehh..

The Karlstein-Castle:

*Me and Friends*

The night of Prague:
We were planing to go to a jazz club in prague at that night. It was really far away from our hotel. We didnt even know where is it. In the end we've found another jazz club but it didnt look good, so we decided to hang out around the city. At least we had our fun by wondering the city at night.

*Prague at night*

Fourth Day :
We were in "Prager-Burg". There are many interesting buildings.
-to be continued-

1 Kommentare:

david santos hat gesagt…

Really beautiful posting!!!
Nice photos, nice video and very pretty colors...